Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Eating slowly.....It could change everything!!!

 Years ago when I first lost my big amount of weight in 2013-2014 one thing that was a huge component of my success was eating slow.  I usually ate my bites an average of 1 minute apart....

Here is my 2013 blog post about eating slowly


I am re- visiting the "Eat Slowly" subject. It is such a simple yet powerful thing.  If you just change only ONE THING, change this!  Start eating slowly!  Really slowly!  

I downloaded a book off of Amazon called The One Minute Rule years ago....  In the book they describe a  special "rule" that makes all their other principles work in the book.... 


They say chew your food, swallow your food and then wait one full minute before putting another bite your mouth. They talk about how it is hard for the 1st month but they say to do it for every single bite for an entire YEAR!

It could sound almost ridiculous maybe even foreign!  It means it could be 1 minute 20 seconds or even 1 minute 30 seconds or more from the beginning of one bite to the beginning of the next bite.  

Try it!  It doesn't cost a thing,  its going to feel hard for the 1st month or so,  but it gets easier.

They encourage use of a stopwatch, second hand on a watch ect, or an iphone 1 minute timer

I use the Seconds Pro App


I have it set to 1 minute 20 seconds  From one bite to the next on the circuit timer setting.  Bonus, it also audibly says "Take a bite" for me.  It automatically counts bites also at the same time

You may notice after eating this slow...

---your perception may start to change around food.  It may seem like you are eating more when by eating slowly, you are minimizing food intake.

---you may start to notice the textures and flavors of foods more

---you will visually be around the food and take in the food more with your eyes. When we eat so fast, it's almost like, did I actually just eat? By stretching it out it feels like we got a much more "full meal experience" and chances are, even ate less

---as you go along in your slow eating experience you may find it easier and easier to stop sooner.

---you will likely  experience your stomach full and satisfied signals better and be able to recognize them easier and stop quicker.

---It may be much harder to binge. If you eat each bite so far apart, you will likely get bored or satisfied well before you get to the binge amount of food. The PAUSE between each bite really gives way to being able to think and consider if you want to keep eating or stop. Even if you wanted to binge at the beginning of eating,  if you are still eating slow, that feeling may disappear. I have had my share of binges...eating so fast is usually one of the main markers of a binge. 

--Savoring and Enjoying each bite of food is very important and that is what eating slowly helps us to do! It gives plenty of time to focus on the food we have in our mouth and visually take in with our eyes what is on our plate...Notice all the textures, flavors, consistency of each bite!

Try it ! Challenge yourself today!  Give it 30 days! It could change your life!  

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