Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Before and After pictures 73 pounds down!!!!

Here are some good before pictures to see what I looked like before I lost over 70 pounds.  Someone even told me they didnt recognize me that I looked like someone else!  I think my face has gotten smaller besides other areas too ;)

These are my Before Pictures! 

And now, some After Pictures! 





  1. That is such an amazing transformation - you are an inspiration!

  2. Good job, Amanda. You worked for it!

  3. You are so pretty. Congrats on reaching your goal.

  4. Nice work! That is stunning. And I love the green and white fabric.

  5. Congratulations on a job well done! You are such a pretty young lady!

  6. I love your blog - how long did it take you to loose 73lbs?

  7. awesome! are you still at it? id like to lose about the same amount of weight. way to go! GOd is good!

  8. excellent how are u doing now? i just started. 1 week ago. will lose 96 pounds. i am 57 but i believe i can do it

  9. You are such an inspiration to me. Thank you for this blog. I hope you post some update entries soon. Thank you for this blessing:)

  10. Congratulations on ur amazing success! And thank u so much for sharing so much info in your excellent blog.
